Tuesday 8 October 2013

Late migrants

We had good conditions for mist-netting over the weekend of 5th/6th Oct.

Saturday morning we headed out onto the Ascot Heath site. There were still a few warblers about and we managed to catch a few blackcaps. The main surprise of the morning though was a young male redstart caught in the recently cut net ride.

1st year male Redstart. Only the 2nd recorded at the site in recent times.

Sunday morning we were back onto Hart sites with a morning session at Hazeley. We quickly set all the nets and caught a handful of thrushes first thing coming out of roost. Joining us on Sunday was the local RSPB Wildlife explorers group for a ringing demonstration. Luckily many of them could join us at short notice as the previously planned demo was postponed. 

A bright start soon cleared the mist

The kids really seemed to enjoy the chance to see the birds close up (and hopefully learn a bit about them). There was a nice variety of species caught including Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Goldfinch, Coal tit and very surprisingly a late staying Garden warbler. The last couple of birds shown to the group were a Robin which was met with a chorus of 'Aaahs' and a Dunnock to which the response was (quite unfairly) disappointment to finish on a small brown bird. Didn't seem like the crowd to start explaining their interesting mating habits though.

The past week has also fantastic for fungi. Plenty to be found near us and no shortage of the ever impressive fly agaric.